Be a Carrier Pigeon, not just a Sponge

Discipleship in many churches means a classroom; a teacher; and a Bible in everyone’s hand. It’s learning the nuances of scripture. Some folks have been in a Sunday School class or a home group for years. Years and years. They have studied scripture inside and out. They know their Bibles. 

But is that discipleship’s end goal? Make Bible scholars? Please note: This isn’t an anti-Bible slant. The Bible is the inspirited word of God. People need to read it, know it, preach it. Still the goal of the church isn’t to make Bible scholars but to make disciples who will, in turn, make more disciples.

The Great Commission does not read:
Therefore go and study the Bible, soak it all in, understand all the theological nuances of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and then TEACH. TEACH, TEACH, and continue to TEACH folks to learn everything I have commanded you. 

As we have emphasized teaching and learning, we have created churches full of sponges. They soak up all the theological truths that they possibly can. They are ready to argue and debate any Biblical topic. They have read 1 Peter 3:15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. They are ready to give an answer. 

The problem is that these Bible students are rarely asked “to give an answer.” All their friends are fellow believers sitting beside them in the same Bible study. They only hang around Christians. So who are they discipling? Do they know even how to make a disciple? (Reminder: That’s what the Great Commission call us to do).

We need carrier pigeons not just sponges. We need those who will take the message of Jesus far and wide. (Here’s where my metaphor falls apart). Then we need those carrier pigeons (disciple-ers) to make more carrier pigeons (disciple-ers). Those brand new carrier pigeons will likewise take the message out too. It’s creating a culture where the message receiver (discipled) then becomes a message distributer (disciple-er). It’s disciples making disciples making disciples making disciples. 

Of course, we need to know the Bible in order to be a disciple maker. But the goal, the end game, is to make disciples, not simply Bible scholars. Our prayer should be that of Paul’s in Colossians 4: Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. (Colossians 4:4). We are to be proclaimers of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Sponges just soak up information and stay put. 
Carrier pigeons deliver the news. 
Be a carrier pigeon. 

One thought on “Be a Carrier Pigeon, not just a Sponge

  1. John Wagner

    Pastor Rob: Great analogy…being a Carrier Pigeon! Thank you for sending.🙏🏻Thank you!…PS: good to see you and Karla at Krogers recently! 😊

    Sent from my iPad


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