Lessons from a Snowy Day

1) Snowmen make lousy friends. While snowmen generally don’t talk about themselves and appear to be good listeners, the truth is snowmen rarely pay attention; frequently give the “cold shoulder;” and at the first sign of trouble (when things “get a little hot”) they disappear. Let’s not even discuss how snowmen are poor role models with their “corn cob” pipe habit.

2) Shoveling snow from one’s driveway and preaching sermons are similar. They both require a lot of work for something that will be mostly forgotten in a few months (Months? Who am I kidding? As far as sermons go, the words of a sermon are forgotten within minutes of delivery).

3) Managing slippery roads without snow tires and marriage counseling sessions are also similar. In both cases I frequently want to shout out: “Get a grip!”

4) Salt melts snow but not cauliflower. Salt also doesn’t melt away—bad memories, hurtful words, shame and guilt. For those things, the Holy Spirit’s work is amazing and freeing. To eliminate cauliflower and other unwanted vegetables, I have two words: garbage disposal.

5) No one can control the amount of snow that falls or the temperature outside (unless you are the evil villain in the James Bond movie). But you can control the amount of snow that remains on your doorstep and you can control the temperature of your heart. Don’t get distracted by the things you can’t control (i.e. snow accumulation); instead focus on what you can control. Keep your heart warm and the front porch clean.

6) There are a lot of great euphemisms for snow storms these days: Sno-megeddon, Sno-pocalypse, and Blizzardopoly. Kids (and teachers) simply call it “Hooray Snow day!” No matter the circumstance, keep looking at the bright side!

7) To get a snowplow to come down your street follow these four easy steps:

  1. Clear all snow from your driveway (either by shovel or snow blower),
  2. Return to your warm house
  3. Remove all of your winter outerwear
  4. Sit down in front of a fire with a cup of warm cocoa and a good book.

Within minutes the snowplow will roar down your street pushing snow back onto your driveway and filling your entrance with harden snow and ice chucks.

8) Snowflakes are individual and small, but when they stick together they can make a really big difference. It’s a lot like the church. On our own we might accomplish a little for Christ, but together we can accomplish so much more! Let’s keep sticking together!


Pitchers and Catchers Report Today

The best five words spoken in February are not:


Ground Hogs taste like chicken!

A Valentine’s card is enough

I made the Dean’s List

President’s Day Sale at Cabella’s

Chipotle will soon be open


All those are great words to hear but they are not as awesome as these five February words:


Pitchers and Catchers report today!


That means spring training can’t be far behind. (Start humming: “Take me out to the Ballgame”). The smell of hot dogs and cracker jack (does cracker jack smell?) will soon be in the air. The sun will be warmer; the days brighter and my dreams of the Tigers winning their first World Series since Reagan administration will captivate my imagination.


The words “Pitchers and Catchers report today” mean hope. There is hope that the snow will soon be gone and hope that my car thermometer will not read “0” like it did this morning. Hope is a wonderful thing!


Of course, for we believers our hope is much deeper than an improved bullpen (although I am excited that the Tigers relief pitchers might actually be able to throw the baseball over the plate). Paul in Romans 12:12 wrote, “Be joyful in hope.” I think that means that we believers should have giddy bit of anticipation as we wait upon the Lord. It’s like when you know the surprise gift a friend is about to receive; and you know they are going to love it; and yet it’s a surprise. The good news is almost bursting inside of you. You want to blurt out the secret; but you don’t. Instead you have a smile, deep within you because you know your loved one will be so happy when they open the gift. It’s a joyful hope.


We believers have a joyful hope. God is up to something in this old world. He has not forgotten us. He has not abandoned us. He is creating and making all things new. Like the news of a surprise gift, this joyful hope we have brings a deep down satisfaction that God is on the cusp of doing something so amazing and exciting. But unlike the surprise gift of a friend, you don’t have to keep this news secret. Tell it. Let the cat out of the bag. Let the world know: We have a joyful hope that God is alive and He is at work! His creative, redemptive and powerful love is about to be unleashed! That’s even better news than “Pitchers and Catchers report today!” (Although I am pretty excited about that news too! Go Tigers!)