The Truth We Don’t Want to Believe and What To Do About It.

Sinners sin. This is not breaking news. It shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. In other non-breaking news: Liars lie. Gossipers gossip. Slanderers slander. Manipulators manipulate. Troublemakers make trouble. All of this is elementary. It’s Life Basics 101. So why is it so shocking when it happens?

We want to believe that sinful people don’t act sinful. They do. We want to believe the best in people. Deep down we know: we have, we are, and (apart from the grace of God), we will in the future sin too. Sinners are us. We want to think that the wide, crowded road is full of nice, heaven bound people, and the narrow, sparse road is where the sinners are. But Jesus said it’s just the opposite. You know Paul’s words, we are the first big bump on the Roman’s Road evangelism tool, “we all have sinned” (Romans 3:23).   

Wouldn’t it be nice if mean people weren’t mean or gossipers didn’t gossip? They are and they do. Usually it’s not murder. Most people don’t rob banks either. But sinners sin– to get out of a jam; to settle a score; to make themselves look smarter, better, richer, cleverer. There are a million reasons why sinners sin and all of those reasons end in pain and trouble. That’s what sin does. It’s a death trap. Literally. 

When we are on the receiving end of sinful people’s sin—it’s upsetting. And (here comes another non-shocker) it hurts. When liars lie, we tell ourselves, “it’s a lie. Don’t get upset. You know the rule: Sticks and stones…” But lies still hurt. The wounds from sticks and stones heal a lot faster than the pain from words or social media posts. Sinners sin and sin hurts.

What should be our response when sinful people sin? Our job is not to convict them of their sinning ways. That’s the Holy Spirit’s business, which means it’s a little bit above our pay grade. You might not like what our job is (especially if the wounds are fresh, so hold on…). Our Job is to forgive and love and forgive some more and pray for them. Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44).  In another place in the same sermon, He said, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 4:14-15). Gulp! When sinners sin, we are to: Love. Pray. Forgive. Repeat. 

Jesus didn’t say forgiving those who have hurt us would be easy. It’s not. He also didn’t say to lash back, write an equally hurtful social media post, or seek revenge. Love, pray and forgive, that’s it. Love. Pray. Forgive. I’ll be honest, it’s really hard. I’m still working on it. To steal a line from Joe Biden, “Here’s the deal,” when I mess up and sin, I want people to forgive and love and forgive some more and pray for me. My guess is that you would want the same in your sins and screw-ups. If we want love, forgiveness, the benefit of the doubt and prayers, then we must be willing to offer that same grace when other sinners sin. It’s not easy. Good thing the author of Hebrews reminds us, “The Lord is my helper!” (Hebrews 13:6).

The Pastors I Appreciate Most, Usually have these Body Parts…

  1. Broad shoulders that can carry the burdens of others. It’s what pastors do. They mourn with those who mourn. Help those they can help. (See Galatians 6:2).
  1. White hair (or white under-the-dye hair or no hair at all), a few wrinkles, and who eventually retire from a lifetime of pastoring. Young pastors are leaving the ministry left and right. Burnout, moral failures, exhaustion, frustrations, finances, you name it— all lead to before-retirement-age exits. Those faithful servants who finish the race are heroes! (see 2 Timothy 4:7)
  1. A tough skin. Pastoring in the social media age with the cowardly behind their computer screens typing half-truths, flat out lies and gossip requires skin tougher than a rhino. It also requires one to remember Jesus’ words to turn the other cheek instead of the more gratifying (but not answered) prayer that the fleas of a thousand camels might infest the offender’s armpits. (see 1 Corinthians 4:13)
  1. Hands with the ability to juggle. Bi-vocational pastors who juggle a secular job (to make ends meet and/or provide health insurance) while pastoring a church are unsung heroes. Forget mega church pastors, bi-vocational pastors are the true clergy “rock stars.” (See 1 Corinthians 4:12)
  1. backbone to stand firm to those who want to distort the gospel to their whims and ways. These pastors refuse to pander in the pool of popularity or meander in the muck of mediocrity. (See 1 Corinthians 15:58)
  1. Rough knees from praying– especially praying for the unloveable. See the fine folks mention in #3 as examples of those who are difficult to love. It’s harder than you think. (See Matthew 5:44).
  1. Their nose in the Word. Preachers preach from the Bible (you’d think that would be a given, but it’s not). Not politics, not warm fuzzy stories, not moral platitudes, the Bible is where truth is found. (see 2 Timothy 4:2).
  1. heart for the poor and needy. Not catering to the fanciful whims of the powerful, famous, or wealthy (or powerful, famous and wealthy wannabes), their heart aches for those who have endured injustice, discrimination, poverty and disenfranchisement. (See James 2).
  1. An eye for the hungry, thirsty, lonely, sick, in prison, etc. They’ve seen the needs and actively do something about it. (see Matthew 25:37-40).
  1. Feet willing to go anywhere for Jesus. Across the country or across the street, where He leads they will follow. (Luke 9:57-62).
  1. Ears tuned in to the voice of God. There is so much noise in the world. They refuse to listen to the loudest, angriest and persistent, instead they listen for the still small Voice and respond with obedience. (see 1 Samuel 3:9).
  1. Lips that constantly are bragging on Jesus (not themselves). All glory goes belongs to Jesus. (see Galatians 6:14)
  1. Lungs that breathe hope and help into the discouraged and downtrodden. (see 1 Peter 3:15).
  1. The mind of Christ. In all times, at all times, through all times, it’s being like Jesus. Even when the pastor falls short of this lofty goal, she/he goes back to Jesus for forgiveness, grace and help to move forward in Him once more. (see 1 Corinthians 2:16).

Are You a Bible Bully?

A Bible Bully is someone who uses scripture as a weapon. Maybe in their youth Bible Bullies were the “sword drill” champions of their Sunday School class (anyone remember “Sword drills”?). They learned to find scripture verses in a hurry. Now they use (misuse?) their Bibles like literal swords. They seem eager to slice and dice any who might disagree with their slant on life. They learned to find Bible passages (chapter and verse), but sadly like playground bullies, they missed the important Bible lessons on kindness and gentleness.

Offer a differing opinion on life, scripture or politics to a Bible Bully and take cover. They will whip out a Bible verse faster than a gunslinger with a six-shooter in the old West. Locked and loaded with their pet Bible verse bullets, they are armed to “Biblically” shoot down anyone who disagrees. “Biblically” is surrounded by quotation marks in the previous sentence because one can argue that their approach is far from “Biblical.” Cherry picking Bible verses that support their positions is a Bible Bully’s favorite tactic.  Sadly, too often such scriptural manipulation misses Jesus command to “Love one another” (John 13:34) and it completely misses the point in the whole of scripture.

Bible Bullies are found on both sides (all sides) of the current divides and debates festering in our country. Neither side is free from Bible toting yet (ironically) unbiblical fanatics. Be wary of those who weaponized scripture to suit their own causes. Refuse to accept their challenge to a dual. Don’t likewise weaponized Scripture that suits your slant. No one comes out the winner in such sword fights, and generally the Gospel is the loser as the world watches dueling Bible Bullies. Instead remember these verses representing the whole of Scripture generally not found in the Bible Bully’s repertoire:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

Be kind and compassionate to one another Ephesians 4:32

Encourage one another and build each other up 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Hebrews 13:1

Therefore, let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sisterRomans 14:13

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:7

And of course,

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’Matthew 22:37-39

Don’t be a Bible Bully.

Be Like Jesus.

Love God.

Love People.

The End.

What Will You Do with Today?

January 15 is the 15th day of the new year (1.15.2021 can’t get here soon enough, can I get an “Amen”)

February 15 is the post Valentine chocolate let down day

March 15 is the Ides of March 

April 15 is Tax Day (Boo)

May 15 is one month from the prettiest girl’s birthday.

June 15 is Karla’s birthday (duh)

July 15 is exactly 11 days after July 4th and exactly 31 days before August 15th

August 15 is India’s Independence Day.

September 15 is Prince Harry’s birthday (by the way, we celebrate several Prince birthdays at my house and ironically Prince Harry’s birthday isn’t one of them). 

November 15 is the 320th day of 2020 (and one of the best 366 days of this entire year)

December 15 is National Cup Cake Day (if you can’t celebrate cupcakes, then you my friend are in trouble).

But what’s October 15?

October 15 is TODAY!  

Psalm 118 tells us that today is the “day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  The author of Hebrews said, “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today.”  

As far as I can tell, neither the author of Psalm 118 nor the author of Hebrews, put any disqualifiers on their words. They didn’t say rejoice only if everything going great or do not rejoice if there is a pandemic. They just wrote that we need to rejoice and to encourage one another as long as it’s called today.  Depending on when you are reading this, you have a few more hours to do just that today—encourage and rejoice!

Don’t look at what’s wrong with today. Don’t snarl up a fist and bemoan all of the world’s troubles. Don’t even wish for tomorrow. Let’s be happy in today. The Lord made today! Whatever the Lord makes is good. Can you name something the Lord made that is not good?  Even mosquitoes are good. Birds and bats say they taste like chicken. So let’s encourage one another and rejoice! The world needs to see that no matter the circumstance, followers of Jesus are people of hope, not despair. If we have “our eyes fixed on the Author and Perfecter of our faith” (more great words from the author of Hebrews), then we “won’t grow weary and lose heart.”

Covid Church Couch Potato Varieties

Yesterday’s blog listed the “Couch Potatoes” as one of the groups in the 60% of people who have not returned to in-person worship services. Here is a light-hearted breakdown of those “spuds.” While I know the pandemic is serious and deadly, there are times we need to smile and remember that God is in control. If potato humor isn’t your thing, you will still love the verse at the bottom!

Church Couch Potatoes O’Brian. Worship with only Celtic music, please.

Church Couch Shredded Potatoes. Exercising while worshipping.

Church Couch Potato Wedges. Four worshippers sitting on a three-person sofa.      

Church Couch Au Gratin (or as my boys called them growing up “All Rotten”) Potatoes.  These Sunday morning sofa critics find plenty of reasons to complain: the tech team’s tin ears, the sermon stinks, blah, blah, blah. 

Church Couch Baked Potatoes.  They like their worship and marijuana too (non-Nazarene of course).

Church Couch Potato Chips. When the munchies hit during the service.

Church Couch Potato Skins. Not wearing their jammies. 

Church Couch Potato Casserole. Dreaming of the days when the church pot-luck followed the Sunday morning service.

Church Couch Potato Salad. A pandemic is no picnic, but at least we have potato salad and our hope is in God Almighty!!

My tears have been my food
    day and night,
while people say to me all day long,
    “Where is your God?”

These things I remember
    as I pour out my soul:
how I used to go to the house of God
    under the protection of the Mighty One
with shouts of joy and praise
    among the festive throng.

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.

Psalm 42:3-5

Who are the 60% Pre-Covid Worshippers that haven’t come back to church? And the Bigger Question: Will they Return?

The church I pastor has been open for worship services since Father’s Day. We moved the service times to allow for between service deep cleaning, roped off every other pew to allow for social distancing, added some mask requirements and committed to procedures for keeping our people safe. As far as I am aware, not one person in our congregation has contracted Covid-19 since we’ve re-opened (Praise the Lord). Our attendance has been running about 40% from where we were pre-Covid. So the Big Questions: who are the 60%? Will they return? Here’s my best attempt to describe the missing 60%:

Arnold Schwarzeneggers

Embodying Arnold’s famous line from the Terminator movie “I’ll be back,” these warriors will return. They were super involved before Covid and they can’t wait to get back. They hate that they are missing services. On-line is Ok, but it’s not the same. They hate that they feel guilty about missing services. They hate that they sometimes feel resentful that others are in church and they are not. They hate feeling guilty and resentful. They miss talking face-to-face with friends. They can’t wait for whatever “all clear” means for them, and they will be back.

Couch Potatoes

These formerly very faithful attenders have gotten used to worshipping on-line. They like it. They like not having to clean up for church. They like sipping on coffee in their pajamas as the pastor preaches. They may not be back. If they do come back, staying at home for the slightest reason will be a whole lot easier. 

Black Friday-ers.

These formerly regular attenders are using the pandemic as “cover” to search for a new church. Not satisfied with the pastor, the music, you name it, they have been shopping the other local churches’ on-line services. They aren’t coming back.  

Hansel and Gretels  

They are not coming back. They thought they would when the pandemic started. They left a proverbial bread crumb trail. But finding alternative things to do on Sunday mornings has eaten up their time. They loved this additional “family time,” and have convinced themselves that they don’t really need church after all. They haven’t recognized the slow fade in their heart for the things of God. They love Jesus, but have chosen to ignore the Biblical mandate to gather together. You could make the case, the Hansel and Gretels are lost, in more ways than one.


“Sometimers” are so called because just as some people refer to Alzheimer’s as “Altimers,” “Sometimers” seldom remember Jesus and His church. Pre-Covid, these folks attended only occasionally. They still will. Their attendance patterns are not that much different than before the pandemic. If they were showing up once every six or eight weeks, they’ve only missed church a few times since March. If you don’t tell them (as far as church attendance is concerned) they might not even know there is a global pandemic. 

C&E-ers (Christmas and Easter-ers) will become CU L8ers (See You Later)

Like the Hansel and Gretels even though they have technically only missed one of their regularly attended services (Easter), it seems like more. They are even more distant and more disconnected than ever. Besides coronavirus won’t be gone by Christmas. There won’t be an available vaccine by Easter (at least they aren’t taking it). A crowded church will be too dangerous. A full church isn’t in their future– see you later.  

Never came, never will

These folks didn’t come before Covid. With the negative press regarding church fights over masks or no masks; un-Christlike attitudes displayed by their “Christian” neighbors in this election season; and any other excuse the Enemy can put in their mind, getting non-church goers to come to church will be harder than ever.

We will likely not go back to a pre-Covid attendance numbers. If churches were struggling amid apathy and inconsistency before the pandemic, our current reality will make things even worse in the short term. “Short-term” because God is still working. Could it be that following this current pruning of the leafy yet unproductive church, God will strengthen the remnant readying these faithful ones for a revival and a new out-pouring of the Holy Spirit? Could it be that the shrunk down church might be a stronger, better church? I hope so.

The Four Most Surprised People on Judgement Day

Folks love to imagine Jesus turning on a huge neon “Vacancy” sign on a cloud in the sweet by and by and throwing open the pearly gates welcoming anyone and everyone to their eternal reward. When asked most people will say, “I’m going to a better place when I die.” But are they? Jesus said many people will NOT– presumably including some of those convinced their “heaven ticket” has been punched. These surprised people include:

Wide Road Travelers

Plenty of people travel on the wide road. It’s popular. There are many opportunities and distractions on the wide road. But no worries on the wide road, even when your attention is diverted and you swerve too far right or too far left. The road is wide enough for all sorts of deviations. It’s easy too. Easy to get on and easy to find. The wide road can be so enjoyable. No speed limits. No limits of any kind (Think: a spiritual autobahn). Switching gears (do you see what I did there?), traversing the narrow road is hard. Travelers must remain focused and aware of the tight surroundings. There are only few on the narrow road. It can be lonely. Jesus said “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

One handed Camel Squeezers. 

I’ve known a lot of rich people who think it’s easy to get a camel through the eye of a needle. Have you tried it lately? It’s hard. Camels are big. Needles are small. In fact, it’s impossible. Shockingly, I’ve known a few rich folks who have done it. Their generosity has opened their wallets and also opened a huge hole in the needle’s eye. Wide enough that miracle of miracles, a camel can pass through. The impossible is made possible by God. Sadly, I’ve known more rich folks who have flaunted their wealth as poor college students were in reality more generous. Squeezing a giant camel (or fancy sports car) through the eye of a needle is a two-handed job You can’t hold onto your money in one hand and squeeze the camel through the needle with the other. It’s easier to appear to be “a camel squeezer” (read: Generous) than to actually be generous. By the way, before you sneer at those “evil, greedy rich folks,” BREAKING NEWS: most of us are considered rich by the world standards. Jesus said: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:25

No Jesus-ers

Most of us have never seen Jesus thirsty. A few women and the Roman guards on Golgotha did. They saw him naked too. I have never seen Jesus hungry and homeless. I’m not sure when he was sick, I’ve never seen it. I haven’t noticed Jesus in prison. But here’s the rub, we’ve passed by others whose names aren’t Jesus who were hungry, sick and lonely. Passed right by them and maybe even muttered, “Get a job” under our breath. Jesus said, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me… Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’  Matthew 25:41-43, 45

Childish? Most likely. Child-like? Not even close.

There are plenty of boisterous, me-first (Jesus second, maybe third, certainly not lower than twelfth) church goers who are mentally drawing up their heavenly mansion blueprints. Like a bully on the playground, their chests are puffed out, arrogant, and hungry for control and power. They may have more Bible knowledge, theological swagger, and church-life experiences, but humility, gentleness, and child-likeness is missing. To all of us, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes meMatthew 18:3-5

Are you travelling the narrow road? Do you have open hands, heart and wallet? Do you look for opportunities to help the troubled? Are you humble, gentle and childlike? 


It’s a fun greeting for a birthday party. It’s a terrible bon voyage on Judgement day.  

2020 Fatigue-itus Remedy Plan

If Laffy Taffy were making jokes for their candies based on 2020 these would not make the cut: 

What do you can a black and white bear doctor? Pandemic

What did Princess Leia say to Commander Solo when he was looking good in his uniform? Wuhan

How did the camera crew abbreviate the old film of former Olympian Sebastian Coe?  Covid

How did the camera crew abbreviate the new recording of tennis star Coco Gauff? Cocovid

What do you call a hungry college freshman racing through an exam before the cafeteria closes? Rapid Testing

What do you call four glasses of Ovaltine? Quarantine

What did the other letters call the second vowel with a bladder condition? PPE

What do you call an old Mazda commercial in the back ground of a teleconference call? A Zoom zoom zoom

What is another name for grown men name calling, stretching the truth and being mean? Presidential Debate

Those are all dumb (the last one is sad not funny). 

Anyone sick of 2020?  Me too. Anyone afflicted with the new disease (not COVID-19 but…) 2020 Fatigue-itus? I’m weary of hearing about pandemics, elections, isolations, quarantines, PPE, virtual learning, Zoom meetings, people unable to gather or locked in nursing homes, social distancing and all of the rest. If I am about to enter one more store only to discover my mask is back in my car, I’m going to scream! Can I get an “Amen!”?  

We have three months to turn this year around. How are we going to do that with an election looming and more people being afflicted by Covid-19 daily? While we might not be able to make a vast difference, we can determine to do our part. 


Pray. Love. Refuse to be sucked into the ugliness of the day. Pray some more. Dream. Write a note to a senior citizen. Vote. If able, get to church. Take a neighbor a plate of cookies. Socially distance from social media. Buy a child an unexpected gift. Did I mention pray? Go for a walk. Text some teenagers a Bible verse and tell them that you are praying on their behalf. Enjoy the fall colors. Read a Psalm a day and from the Gospels too. Eat ice cream. Watch funny dog or cat videos. Tell someone about Jesus. Call an old friend. Find a reason to laugh every day. Boycott the news. Oh yes, don’t forget to pray.