Is the Church of the Nazarene the next Blockbuster?

Blockbuster and mom and pop video stores, once in every town, are now gone. Seeming overnight our viewing habits changed and today the buildings have been repurposed or sitting empty. Blockbuster couldn’t compete with new technologies and quickly became obsolete.

What does this have to do with the Church of the Nazarene? You can probably guess. Is your church like Blockbuster? Some are predicting that in the next twenty years, 100,000 churches in America will close their doors. How many of that 100,000 will be Nazarene churches? (You can read about the church emptying phenomenon here).

Unlike Blockbuster, not all the churches will closeThere will still be a lot of churches in twenty years. The questions for the Church of the Nazarene are: 

  • What will the USA Church of the Nazarene look like if 25% of the churches close?  
  • What will happen to the global church which relies on the USA churches’ investment in the World Evangelism Fund (95% of WEF comes from USA/Canada)? 
  • How might the Church of the Nazarene repurpose buildings or utilize the funds from closed churches? 
  • More personal, will your church be one of those that closes its doors forever?

It’s an easy math equation. Look at everyone in your congregation, add twenty years to the ages of the folks sitting in the pews and if nothing changes you can draw your conclusion. 

“If nothing changes… “ What needs to change? Clearly, the Church of the Nazarene needs young people coming through the doors. What will it take to get younger people? These ingredients:

1)  Young people like Jesus. Preach Jesus.
2) Young people don’t need flashy. They need authentic. Young people can spot a phony a mile away. Be real. 
3)  Young people need to know you love them. Love without exception.
4) Young People need ownership. Don’t be afraid to give young people key roles and leadership. Listen to them. Help them. Teach them.
5) Young People aren’t perfect (neither are you). Don’t expect perfection. Leave room for errors, mistakes and outright failure. Keep trying. Don’t stop trying. 
6) Young People want their communities to flourish. Be the best neighbor.

I recently heard of a young alcoholic who had a Nazarene upbringing and went to a Nazarene college, then walked away from faith. Finally the prodigal made the good, hard decision to enter rehab. The Christian employers responded by telling this struggling addict not to worry about a job. It would be there after rehab. There were bigger matters at hand. “Get better” was the message from the owners (Way to go!). Blown away, the on-the-way-back-to-faith addict was grateful for their love and response. Their reaction spoke more volumes than a thousand sermons. The business owners were acting like Jesus. That’s our hope in a nut shell.

Have a church full of people who love, sacrifice, and are committed to Jesus – and one need not worry about shuttering the doors. The life-changing message of Jesus is still compelling!

Miracle Needed: The Resurrection of the Church of the Nazarene in USA/Canada 

The Resurrection of Jesus is the single most remarkable event in human history. We celebrate this remarkable Day in a little more than a week. The beating and humiliation of Jesus following an unjust system of justice has been done to others in the dark annals of human history. The same can be said about the crucifixion. While inhumane and horrific, others have endured similar deaths. But no one returned to life three days later. No one. It is the rock on which our faith rests. The miracle of all miracles.  

This is meant in no way to lower the importance or the power of the Resurrection of Jesus, but the church of Jesus Christ (or more specific to my situation, the Church of the Nazarene) in the United States needs a resurrection too. The church isn’t dead. So maybe it is too early to be calling for a resurrection. But the church is in trouble. In many corners it is on life support. We need another miracle of miracles. 

Experts are predicting the closing of 100,000 churches in the United States over the next 20 years. That number is approximately 25% of the churches in America. It is already is happening in the Church of the Nazarene. Less than 10 years ago there were 5247 Nazarene churches in USA/Canada. This past year the reported number of churches was 4417. What will there be in 10 years? 3,000? 2500? 

The questions can be asked: Are North American Christians too soft? Are we too busy? Are we too political? Are we too rich? Are we too divided? Have we traded our first love? Have we forgotten the hurting, the broken, and the “least of these”? Are we no longer embodying the holiness we profess? Are we mere shadows of the saints of past generations who sacrificed for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Is our culture so strong and our faith so weak that we can’t overcome? 

I cannot fully answer those questions. I have my suspicions. I don’t like some of my conclusions. What I do know is this: We need a miracle. We need the Spirit of God to sweep in. It’s time to beg, plead, confess, and cry out like prophets of old. If not now, when? We need to be resurrected. The Psalmist question and plea should be ours:  Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?Show us your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us your salvation. Psalm 85:6-7

Start it in me, O Lord. Start it in me.

If your Religion (Preaching) is Dry as Dust, Don’t Be Surprised if People Blow You Off

“Only a dry as dust religion prompts a minister to extol the glories of heaven while ignoring the social conditions that cause people an earthly hell” – Martin Luther King Jr. 

Martin Luther King Jr. said nothing more profound and critical of the church/pastors than the above quote. In hindsight, one could have applied his words to the church leaders in Nazi Germany as Hitler was coming into power. They were applied to silent preachers in America during the Jim Crow era. They are applicable in today’s global crisis locations of Haiti, Ukraine and Gaza. They are even pertinent in our all-too-often posture toward those struggling with identity and mental health issues or gun violence or abortion on demand and the reasons women think this is their only option or poverty or the drug epidemic or the many other social ills in the United States today. The result of the deafening silence is a dry as dust religion.

I love thinking about heaven. I am planning on being there one day. But it’s probably not going to be today. Conversely, what is happening today is a world where many are living in hellish conditions. When I think, “What would Jesus do about this?” I am not always sure what He would do. It’s complicated. But I’m pretty sure He would not be silent.

Luke’s account of when the religious leaders complained to the disciples about Jesus in Luke 5, seems eerily similar to the religious side-stepping, wind-bagging and blind-eyeing of today’s problems: 

The Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:31-32

Notice the religions leaders question was directed to the disciples, but it was Jesus who answered them. He wasn’t silent. In effect He was saying, “I’m the doctor. I’m the cure. Where would you expect me to be?”

Where are the sick today? They are in Haiti, in Ukraine, in Gaza and in so many underreported areas that we never hear about. Where would we expect the Great Physician to be?

So go ahead dry as dust preachers, keep talking about heaven. You might get there one day, but in the meantime, start praying like Jesus taught us to pray for God’s kingdom to come and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. I’m pretty sure that means praying and working for a place without violence (Isaiah writes, “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” Isaiah 2:4), without hunger (heaven is described as a banquet), and no poverty (the streets are made of gold, right?). “On earth as it is in Heaven.” Preach that. Work for that. (Full Disclosure Alert: It’s not “either/or” proposition– either talk about heaven or work for heaven on earth. You can and probably will do both). 

Still one reason (there are many reasons) why the “nones” are out pacing Christians in USA/Canada census numbers is the perception that the church has been “dry as dust” promising heaven yet offering little help to our dying world. If your religion is dry as dust, don’t be surprised when people blow you off.

We’ve got to change the narrative. Flip the story. Go back to being the hands and feet of Jesus. Less positioning for power. More Jesus. Less Politics. More Jesus. Less name calling. More Jesus. Less head-in-the-sand. More open-eyed-reality-check. Less side-stepping, wind-bagging and blind-eyeing of today’s problems. More, more, more Jesus. Less talk of going up to heaven. More praying for heaven to come down to earth. 

Why Nazarenes should be in Prayer for Haiti

As you may have seen in the news, the nation of Haiti is in utter turmoil. The Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, has agreed to step down and gangs rule much of its capital of Port-au-Prince.  These gangs have attacked the main prison to help thousands of inmates escape. The head of the UN’s World Food Program in Haiti, Jean-Martin Bauer, said on Monday that more than 360,000 people had now been displaced. The situation is dire. You can read a recent description here.

You may also recall, Haiti has endured numerous difficulties in the last 20 years. The country underwent a 2004 coup d’état, a catastrophic earthquake in 2010 killed over 250,000 people, and their last prime minister was assassinated 2021. The murders have not been apprehended. Haiti suffers from a shortage of skilled labor, widespread unemployment, and underemployment. Most Haitians in the labor force have informal jobs. Three-quarters of the population lives on US$2 or less per day. Haiti in the most populous Caribbean country, but also the poorest. There is widespread hunger.

Besides the obvious humanitarian crisis and suffering, why should Nazarenes be extra concerned and more diligent in our prayers?  Simple– Haiti has more Nazarene’s per capita than any other nation on earth. There are more Nazarene churches and higher church membership in Haiti than any one of the USA regions.* The nation is the size of Maryland and has 755 churches (Maryland has 64). In fact, Haiti has more Nazarene churches than the COMBINED total of one third of the 165 countries that the Church of the Nazarene is registered in including Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand.**

Haiti’s difficulties are vast and complex. There is not an easy remedy. A recent article in Ministry Watch outlines the evangelical response here. Good hearted, Christian short-term missions  from the USA may have hurt more than helped and new strategies should be examined and employed.***  Still Haiti is half the distance from Key West (720 miles) as is New York City (1434 miles). It’s on the USA/Canada doorstep. Nazarenes in USA/Canada cannot imagine the suffering our Nazarene brothers and sisters are enduring

Help begins with vision and prayer. Familiarize yourself with the issues in Haiti and pray informatively on how Nazarenes from around the globe might offer a creative and godly response to the suffering. Pray for the Field Strategy Coordinator, Rev. Pierre Antoine and  Emmanise Jacques and the 12 districts in Haiti. Pray for the 755 churches and the Haiti Nazarene Theological Seminary. But especially pray for the 147,182 members and fellowship Nazarene members (and all the attendees who are not members)—our brothers and sisters who are in grave danger, fighting malnutrition with a very uncertain future.  

Haitian Nazarenes are in trouble. They need us. They need our prayer. Take time when you gather to lift up our brother and sisters and consider an offering through NCM as they strategize the best steps forward.  

*Haiti has 755 churches. The closest USA region in the Southeast region (TNU) with 724. The Southeast region also has the most members and fellowship members of any USA region, but that TNU region is still over 50,000 members/fellowship members behind Haiti. 

**Haiti has 755 churches. The combined total of churches in the following 56 countries that the Church of the Nazarene is registered in is 752. Canada (145), Great Britain (69), Australia (31), New Zealand (29), Solomon and Principle (5), Equatorial Guinea (7), Burundi (16); South Sudan (19); Botswana (11); Sierra Leone (8); Senegal (3); Hong Kong (3); Mongolia (7); Taiwan (43); Solomon Islands (14); Vanuatu (5); Micronesia (6); Singapore (1); Timor-Leste (1); Fiji (21); Samoa (17); Cambodia (21); Thailand (31); Albania (6); Bulgaria (5) Croatia (1); Hungry (3); North Macedonia (0); Romania (3); Scandinavia (4); Egypt (0); Holy Land (4); Jordan (12); Lebanon (4); Syria (5); Armenia (4); Kazakhstan (8); Russia (15); Ukraine (12); Germany (10); Ireland (1); Luxemburg (0); Netherlands (12); Switzerland (1); France (9); Italy (6); Madeira Islands (0); Portugal (20); Spain (9); Bahamas (15); Curacao (0); Dominica (7); French Antilles and French Guiana (17); Virgin Islands (15); Suriname (7); Winward Islands (16)

***Flint Central Church has tried to avoid these issues by partnering with Panama with a wholistic approach in providing medical care/vision/spiritual care on two thirds of the yearly mission trips. Working with both NCM Panama and missional leaders, Central Church is currently building a medical clinic which will be managed and run by Panamanians. Plans are in the works for Panamanians to likewise come to Michigan for a mission trip experience in Flint. This approach is designed to avoid a “Voluntourism” mindset and truly a missional/partnership venture.  

“God, let us see things as they really are”

What should be our prayer throughout the rest of this tumultuous election year? Not including John the Revelator’s final, ultimate prayer that all believers should be praying– “Amen, Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20); or the prayer that sounds like it’s coming from a Miss Universe contestant, “My prayer is for world peace;” what should be our prayer?

If a survey were taken on the most dominant prayer requests from a typical church prayer meeting, physical wellbeing would undoubtedly head the list. Certainly Jesus did and can heal. I’ve written two books concerning health issues (Shameless Plug: Chronic Pain: Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering and Got Cancer? There’s Help). God heals, but He doesn’t always. My ultimate prayer is not for my physical healing (although that would be nice too), but it does involve vision. Here’s my prayer for me and you this year:

“God, let us see things as they really are”

I want to be able to say like the former blind guy in John 9: “One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25). I want the eyes of the Savior. I want to see others as Jesus sees them. I want to see the world as the Almighty does. Sometimes I’m blind and, my guess is that, sometimes you are too.

Too often our vision is clouded by the version of the news we prefer.
God, let me see things as they really are!
Our vision is informed more by politics than Jesus.
God, let me see things as they really are!
Our vision is colored by our surroundings.
God, let me see things as they really are!
Our vision can be tainted by our own life experiences.
God, let me see things as they really are!
There are so many things that skew our reality.
God, let me see things as they really are!

Admittedly, I don’t know all there is to know– in the world, in my family or in the church I serve. I have blind spots. So do you. These blogs and my social media timeline convinced me that we don’t all see things the same way. Most of my social media friends and blog readers (not all) claim to be Christian. Most everyone believes their positions are supported biblically. But these nice, Bible-believing Christians (and sometimes not-so-nice) come to different conclusions– vastly different conclusions. We don’t see things the same way. “God, let us see things as they really are!”

If we could see things as they really are, then we could begin to collaborate to fulfill Jesus prayer for God Almighty’s  “kingdom come, will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Change begins with seeing. Here’s the formula: 1) See clearly; 2) define reality; then 3) pray for guidance, solutions, and the courage required to accomplish His will. It’s having His eyes, His heart, His strength, and His motivation. All of this begins with a simple prayer: God, let us see things as they really are!

When I was in Gaza

How much should the church say in response to complicated world issues? When should the church speak and when should the church be silent? James wrote, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak” (James 1:19). Jesus didn’t speak out against Roman aggression and violence. He wasn’t holding protest rallies at Herod’s Palace following the beheading of John the Baptist. When and how much should the church speak into the matters in our world. This is especially complicated in a global denomination like the Church of the Nazarene. The world is complicated.

Nazarenes leaders and publications formerly took a stand in USA national politics. The October 26, 1960 issue of the Herald of Holiness had several articles (including those written from notable Nazarenes such as General Superintendent Hugh Benner, WT Purkiser, Kenneth Grider and C. William Fisher) written about being Protestant and not voting for a Roman Catholic. The articles were clearly siding with Richard Nixon in the 1960 US election. No one would want Bonnie Perry and the Holiness Today leadership involving themselves in the upcoming USA presidential election in such a manner. We want them to stay out of politics. Still there are times to speak out regarding world events. 

Desmond Tutu, a South African Anglican bishop, said, “If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” In other words, there are circumstances that demand a call to action. There are times when one can no longer be silent. 

The atrocities in Gaza are such a time. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told lawmakers last Thursday that Israel had killed more than 25,000 Palestinian women and children since October. When does one say enough is enough?  How much killing is enough? How many innocent people need to die before we say we can no longer support such actions. The October atrocities of Hamas (1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals—including 764 civilians– killed and 248 persons taken hostage) are horrific and have been rightly condemned. Hamas is an evil, terrorist organization and the release of the remaining hostages should be demanded. Other Arab and predominantly Muslim nations should join in demanding release of the hostages. Even so, the church must add its voice and call for immediate humanitarian action in Gaza. The Church of the Nazarene Manual has statements regarding the value of children and youth (Paragraph 921) and coincidently the next paragraph (922) is a statement regarding war and military service and a plea for peace. The Manual demands it’s members protect children and to call for an end to the of violence. It demands us saying, “Enough is enough.” 

Will the 2023/2024 church be standing before the throne of God one day saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ (Matthew 25:37-39). 

To which He will reply, “When I was in Gaza.”