“God, let us see things as they really are”

What should be our prayer throughout the rest of this tumultuous election year? Not including John the Revelator’s final, ultimate prayer that all believers should be praying– “Amen, Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20); or the prayer that sounds like it’s coming from a Miss Universe contestant, “My prayer is for world peace;” what should be our prayer?

If a survey were taken on the most dominant prayer requests from a typical church prayer meeting, physical wellbeing would undoubtedly head the list. Certainly Jesus did and can heal. I’ve written two books concerning health issues (Shameless Plug: Chronic Pain: Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering and Got Cancer? There’s Help). God heals, but He doesn’t always. My ultimate prayer is not for my physical healing (although that would be nice too), but it does involve vision. Here’s my prayer for me and you this year:

“God, let us see things as they really are”

I want to be able to say like the former blind guy in John 9: “One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25). I want the eyes of the Savior. I want to see others as Jesus sees them. I want to see the world as the Almighty does. Sometimes I’m blind and, my guess is that, sometimes you are too.

Too often our vision is clouded by the version of the news we prefer.
God, let me see things as they really are!
Our vision is informed more by politics than Jesus.
God, let me see things as they really are!
Our vision is colored by our surroundings.
God, let me see things as they really are!
Our vision can be tainted by our own life experiences.
God, let me see things as they really are!
There are so many things that skew our reality.
God, let me see things as they really are!

Admittedly, I don’t know all there is to know– in the world, in my family or in the church I serve. I have blind spots. So do you. These blogs and my social media timeline convinced me that we don’t all see things the same way. Most of my social media friends and blog readers (not all) claim to be Christian. Most everyone believes their positions are supported biblically. But these nice, Bible-believing Christians (and sometimes not-so-nice) come to different conclusions– vastly different conclusions. We don’t see things the same way. “God, let us see things as they really are!”

If we could see things as they really are, then we could begin to collaborate to fulfill Jesus prayer for God Almighty’s  “kingdom come, will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Change begins with seeing. Here’s the formula: 1) See clearly; 2) define reality; then 3) pray for guidance, solutions, and the courage required to accomplish His will. It’s having His eyes, His heart, His strength, and His motivation. All of this begins with a simple prayer: God, let us see things as they really are!

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