
Lead Pastor; Insanely Cool; Hilariously Funny; Amazingly Brilliant; Incredibly Handsome; Always Humble

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Dennis Dean Mielke

    Hi Rob,
    I just completed a ridiculously long post and lost it before I sent it. It was a sad but cathartic exercise. I will summarize instead. I am a 73-year old saved-by-grace Christian and Nazarene. I have served in several capacities in churches for nearly 50 years. My wife went into the hands of her Lord 3 1/2 years ago. I am beginning my fourth battle with relapsed multiple myeloma. During my extensive treatment, I have shared, prayed for more than a dozen believer nurses, and even sung “Amazing Grace” and “It is swell With My Soul” at the request of one nurse. The worst issue now, I have committed to the Holy Spirit—the sinful treatment and abuse by a few church folk of their good and Godly brothers and sisters.

    I have been blessed and grown in the church. But I have experienced pride instead of humility as ungodly conduct destroyed four congregations—each heartbreaking and unnecessary leadership failures and dereliction of their duties by senior pastors, local boards, and D.S’s. If you would like me to share my narrative and concern and for the future of the church family and her possible demise, I give my email.
    For God and good,

  2. Jordan Gollub

    Read your brilliant internet post about the end of the Nazarene Publishing House in Kansas City MO written back in 2014. I was a youth pastor and Sunday school teacher in a suburban Philadelphia Bucks County Nazarene church pastored by the late Rev. John Charles Foltz in the late 1970s. Received some literature from Foundry Press recently & am also a fan of Justin Peters Ministries.

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