Election Year Preaching: Keep Jesus In, Politics Out

The nation is on the cusp of what could be the most contentious USA political season in modern memory. My approach to election year sermonizing is simple. Keep Jesus in, politics out. 

I don’t endorse a candidate from the pulpit. I don’t allow candidates to come “share their testimony” while up for re-election (I’m not opposed to Jesus-following politicians sharing their testimony, just not from the platform during their election). Side note: in 2016 a prominent presidential political figure wanted to “share his testimony” at Central church, I said, “Thanks but no thanks. We’d love to have you share your testimony after the election.” Haven’t heard from him since. (Notice the quotation marks are only around “sharing their testimony” when the intention is to garner votes, not garner praise to Jesus). 

The USA is more divided than ever. It’s quite possible that the eventual winner in the upcoming presidential election could win without 50% of the vote (depending on the third party candidates). When I look at those numbers, I remind myself that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for 100% of the people. So how do we reach 100% without alienating 50% or more? It’s done by preaching Jesus. Keeping Jesus in. Politics out. 

The reality is that preaching Jesus (and the Bible) will upset those on either side of the political spectrum from time to time. Jesus is the Lamb, not the donkey or elephant. Preaching Jesus is the antidote to partisan political rhetoric infiltrating sermons and thereby water-down the Gospel. Keep preaching Jesus. Let the Gospel speak for itself. Let the Gospel inform voters how to vote. Let Jesus be our Voter Guide. Let Jesus be our deciding factor. 

The preacher’s job is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible. Period. The job description is simple: Make Disciples. Baptize them. Teach them the ways of Jesus (See the Great commission). I’m not called to make Republicans or Democrats or any other political party member or group. I am Christ’s ambassador, no other. I’m not called to tell you how to vote. I’m called to tell you about Jesus – the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is the Answer and the truth of Jesus’ message can/should inform our voting. Just preach Jesus and all the rest (political and otherwise) will take care of itself!

In an election year, it’s important for the preacher to keep Jesus in and politics out. 

2 thoughts on “Election Year Preaching: Keep Jesus In, Politics Out

  1. Jordan Gollub

    Brilliant article, Pastor Prince! I’m disgusted with the social gospel nonsense of the Left and the so-called Christian nationalism of the right. I’m also sick of Trump’s false prophets like Jim Bakker and Julie Green (all of whose prophecies turn out to be wrong, just proving the warnings of the Apostle Paul in Romans 16) and their false lies and rhetoric. As a social and cultural conservative, I will probably end up voting for Trump or whoever the GOP presidential nominee is. But Christ is the LAMB, not a donkey or elephant or “third party.” The Gospel message is for all nations (Acts 10). We do not need cultural “Marxism” or Fascist lies tearing apart our Constitutional Republic. Let’s leave partisan politics out of the pulpit – just as your great article advocates! The Church of The Nazarene is privileged to have you as a minister.

  2. John Wagner

    Wow! VERY well said Pastor Rob! Thankyou for a VERY relevant message! Lynda and I are so VERY glad you’re our Pastor…especially in this time of so much division in our country. God bless you! Jack Wagner

    Sent from my iPad


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