Turn Thanksgiving Upside Down

Thanksgiving week is the week to count your blessings. “Name them one by one. And it will surprise you what they Lord hath done.” At least that’s what John Oatman’s lyrics and Edwin O. Excell tune reminds us to do. (Yes, the Count your Blessings jingle was written by a guy named Edwin O. Excell. Google it. It’s a great name. But I digress…). With apologies to Mr. Oatman and Mr. Excell, what if we did the opposite? What if we looked at all the things for which we are not grateful? What if we counted our troubles and named then one by one. Name all the bad habits, troublesome hang ups, deep hurts and mean people. What if we turned Thanksgiving upside-down?

I’m not Thanksgiving’s version of the Grinch. I like Pilgrims, turkey and Detroit Lions’ football (win or lose). I like being thankful too. My intentions are not to be a “Debbie-Downer” during this festive week. But what if we created a “not-so-thankful” list, and then immediately handed (metaphorically, of course) the list over to God. What if we were to give God all the junk for which we are not pleased with and say, “God this “not-so-thankful” list is now yours and my prayer is that by November 2024 this list is flipped! Instead of bitterness, hurt or anger, I want to be thankful. 

Not thankful for a nasty habit? What if by next year, you and Jesus have defeated it?

Not thankful for some part of your body type, personality, or lack of capability? What if by next year, you learned to appreciate the person God created you to be.

Not thankful for a painful past? What if by next year, you look at your past with sadness, but also with amazement on how God has enabled you to move beyond the pain of your yesterdays and into a joyous celebration of your todays and tomorrows!

Not thankful for a mean or dishonest person?  What if by next year that person grew a big, hairy wart on the end of their nose? No, I’m joking. What if by next year God either changed them or changed your outlook toward them? 

What if your “not-so-thankful” list was turned into next year’s very thankful list? Then (thank you Mr. Oatman and Excell) you will be surprised, pleasantly and joyfully surprised, at what the Lord has done!