Who are you eating dinner with?

Who do you eat meals with? (Dear Grammar buffs…sorry about the dangling preposition). For me, it’s usually Karla. Sometimes I eat with church folks. Once in a while I eat alone. Often in the gospels we are told how Jesus ate with “the tax collectors and other sinners.” Occasionally the gospel writer will add “prostitutes” to the unsavory group. Tax collectors, as you probably know, were considered collaborators with the occupying Roman enemy. They were hated. The worst of the worst. And “other sinners” could be described as “even worse.” Then add the prostitutes… well, you know, where they stand. So, Jesus ate with “the worst of the worst and even worse and sometimes worse than that” people.

If we are to be like Jesus (and we are); if we are to act and think and love like Jesus (that’s the goal); then here’s a simple question: When was the last time you had dinner with “the worst of the worst and even worst and sometimes worse than that” people?

Maybe that’s too hard. In my mind “the worst of the worst and even worse and sometimes worse that that” people, are child molesters, serial killers or drug kingpins. I don’t know too many serial killers and drug kingpins. Let’s make the question a little easier: When was the last time you had dinner with “the not-so-bad, and even nice, just don’t know Jesus” people? 

For some it’s every night, I’ve described someone in your home. They are good people. Not so bad. Even nice. Just don’t know Jesus. Some of us eat with them a lot.

For others, you will have to think about it. It’s been a while since you shared a meal with “a not-so-bad, and even nice, just don’t know Jesus” person. Maybe it was last Christmas when your crazy cousin Willodeen was at the family gathering talking about was her seventeen cats. Think about it: When was the last time you had dinner with “the not-so-bad, and even nice, just don’t know Jesus” person?  You are probably a Christian. All of your friends are probably Christians too. You know a few “not-so-bad, even nice, just don’t know Jesus” people, but you’ve never had dinner with them. It’s your mail carrier; the check-out lady at the grocery store, maybe your next-door neighbor. 

Where did Jesus meet so many tax collectors, prostitutes and other sinners? Maybe they had a special club where they hung out. Or more likely, Jesus was intentional in making friendships with those people far from God. Jesus probably went out of his way; cleared his calendar; and prioritized their gatherings and made hanging out with “the worst of the worst and even worse and sometimes worse than that” crowd kind of fun. It seems like they wanted to be with Jesus too. 

If we truly want to be like Jesus, then maybe instead of sucking down a Coney dog (Detroit style for me, please) with our Christian friends, we should be thinking about who we know that doesn’t know Jesus; is far from God; but with whom we might share a meal. Try it. You’ll be more like Jesus if you do. Make the meal fun, and pass the mustard!